Training Widget

Thursday, February 17, 2011

This is Rebekah and me in the middle of our 12 mile run in the snow and ice. It was pretty brutal, but wonderful at the same time. She's great company. Her half marathon is at the end of this month. I'm so excited for her. She's going to do awesome!!!!

My stomach has still been giving me I tightened the reins even more. Sunday night I sat down and came up with an eating schedule and menu. It's working. Here's what a typical two workout day looks like, and it seems to work.

Breakfast: blueberries, strawberries, clementine and banana. Wait 1 hour, eat 1/4 c almonds

Pre work out snack: 1 C gluten free whole grain cereal

Workout drink: Hammer water

Lunch: 4 C lettuce, half avocado, 1 C brown rice, chicken, lemon juice and Parmesan for dressing.

Snack: whole grain gluten free crackers with peanut butter and homemade jelly on top. Yum

Dinner: large bowl tomato soup, 2 baked potato with salt and Parmesan, butternut squash, lean protein.

Workout drink: recoverite

After work out snack: yogurt.

And that's it! I feel great, no more stomach trouble. I hate having to be so strict, but if I'm not, I'll pay for it...and everyone else in this house does too. It's hard to be a good mom and wife when I can barely move.


  1. mmm gluten free crackers with peanut butter and homemade jelly, i can see why ur tummy was feeling better hehe <3

    it sucks that you can't loosen the reins as much as you'd like but its important to take care of you and do whatever it takes to feel as healthy and energized as you can. xoxo <3

  2. Hi Kelsey! Thanks for stopping by! I am always surprised to find a comment on this blog! Have a great day!
