My wonderful running partner and me half way through a trail half marathon. What a blast!
September 18, 2010

Ragnar DC, my third and final leg of the race.
October 24&25, 2010
The ring of my alarm startled me awake this morning. With gentle encouragement from my husband, I flopped out of bed, threw on my running clothes and Vibrams and ran out the door in the dark.
Six miles later, and 16 oz of Hammer Water in my system, I returned home happy and energized to face the day.
This blog is for my own recordings, a place to spew my running thoughts, failures, successes, and struggles.
I also eat gluten free. It's been a bit of a battle to figure out how to fuel my body without eating gluten. I'll be recording what I eat, and my workouts in this blog.
Here we go! More details on why I went gluten free later.